หลักสูตร Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – ver. Eng

Customer Relationship
 Management (CRM
ver. Eng


     Today’s businesses have higher market competition. This is a versatile product with in the brand’s latest edition. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is growing in importance due to the challenging business environment faced by organizations throughout the world today. If customer relationships are the heart of business success, then CRM is the valve to pump a company’s life blood. As a result, CRM is the best suited to help businesses use people, processes, and technology to gain insight into the behavior and value of customers. This insight allows for improving customer service, increasing call center efficiency, adding cross-sell and up sell opportunities, improving close rates, streamlining sales and marketing processes, improving customer profiling and targeting, reducing costs, and increasing share of customer and overall profitability.

ความรู้ประโยชน์ ที่ผู้เรียนจะได้รับ

  1. To understand the management principles and practices of Customer Relationship Management.
  2. To create a positive attitude towards bringing Customer Relationship Management to be used as a strategy in managing internal and external customers.
  3. Able to bring knowledge, experience of Customer Relationship Management to apply in planning and practicing effectively and efficiently.



Call Center – TEL.081-988-9979

TRAINING – TEL. 02-9217921 , 085-502-7921 , 090-952-0441

CONSULT / SURVEY / AUDIT – TEL. 081-104-8424